A chcem sa este spytat co to vlastne znamena oco to je insie nez normalny JB, alebo o ma moze hrozit nepoznam tethered … mozem tomu rozumiet tak ako to je tu napisane? https://www.macblog.sk/forum/discussion/13218/
An untethered jailbreak has the property that if the user turns the device off and back on, the device will start up completely, and the kernel will be patched without the help of a computer – in other words, it will be jailbroken after each reboot.
With a tethered jailbreak, if the device starts back up on its own, it will no longer have a patched kernel, and it may get stuck in a partially started state; in order for it to start completely and with a patched kernel, it essentially must be “re-jailbroken” with a computer (using the “boot tethered” feature of a jailbreaking tool) each time it is turned on.
Zaleží aj od toho aký máš iDevice, napríklad ak máš A4 iDevice tak Jailbreak je. Ak máš iPhone 4S napríklad tak ti jailbreak nepôjde bo to je A5 zariadenie. A5,A4 sú čipy v iDevice. Takže ak máš 4S tak si budeš musieť počkať. Ale ak máš iP 4 tak ti dávam link na jailbreak iOS 6 http://www.idownloadblog.com/2012/09/19/how-to-jailbreak-ios-6-and-install-cydia/
ako je to s tethered jailbreakom na 3GS??? telefon nevypinam vobec ale keby sa mi nahodou stalo ze sa vypne tak potom budem mat iOS 6 len bez jailbreaku a vsetkych aplikacii alebo ako???….dalej by som chcel vediet ked mam iOS 5 a JB tak len spravim update cez itunes na 6.0.1 a potom spravim na novo jeilbreak??? dik