Tlačenie cez LAN

Domov Diskusné Fóra Pomoc: hardware Tlačenie cez LAN

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  • #74555
    Účastník (Participant)

    Chcel by som nastaviť tlačiareň HP LaserJet 1300 USB verzia pripojená do siete cez NAS server. Nedarí sa mi ju ale rozbehať aj vzhľadom na to, že na Windowse funguje bez problémov.

    Na Mac OSX 10.6.6 som si ju pridal cez Print and Fax, v záložke IP kde som dal IP adresu NASu. Pridal mi ju do listu a dokonca pri nej aj svieti zelene tlacidlo. Upresnil som mu driver zo zoznamu, skusal som rozne protokoly ale nic z toho nefunguje.

    Ďakujem za rady.

    Účastník (Participant)

    Neriesil som este takyto problem ale skus toto:
    You need to add the shared printer via the hidden “Advanced” printer feature in the Print & Fax preferences.

    Open “Print & Fax” in “System Preferences”
    Click “+” to add a new printer
    Control-click (or right-click) on the toolbar at the top of the window and select “Customize Toolbar…”
    Drag the “Advanced” icon to the toolbar and select “Done”
    Click on the “Advanced” icon … and be patient … after a moment or two, you can select “Windows” from the “Type” dropdown-menu
    Enter the SAMBA URL of the shared windows printer in the “URL” textfield:
    If the shared printer does not need a password, you can use smb://USERNAME@…
    Fill out the other fields “Name” and “Location” as you prefer
    When printing the first time you will get prompted for your USERNAME and PASSWORD. Fill in your windows printserver username and password and enable the “Add this to your keychain” checkbox.

    Účastník (Participant)

    Ďakujem ti mnohokrát, funguje to nádherne :).

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