Odpoveď na: zabudnute heslo od iphon 3g

Domov Diskusné Fóra Nezaradené zabudnute heslo od iphon 3g Odpoveď na: zabudnute heslo od iphon 3g


AAAAAA cely postup som si tu napisal a nejak mi to zblblo a vymazalo sa mi to :((((

No nevadi, tak takto, snad nemas problem s anglictinou…

Ak si zabudol restrictions password:
1. Download iPhone Backup Extractor http://supercrazyawesome.com/ (This is for OSX, if you are using Windows there are other Backup Extractor programs although my iPhone syncs with a Mac so you will have to tweak these directions to work with the Windows program, here is one of the Windows programs I found: http://www.iphonebackupextractor.com/)
2. Extract the Zip file you downloaded, move the App to your Applications folder, then run the App
3. Click on Read Backups, in the window that pops up click on the backup file of the device you need the lost pin for, then click Choose
4. You will have a list of all the Apps on the phone. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click on iOS Files, then click on Extract. Choose a folder where you want the files to be extracted to.
5. After it finishes extracting go to the folder where you extracted the files and follow this directory path: iOS Files –> Library –> Preferences
6. In that folder find the file „com.apple.springboard.plist“ and open it. (Read note below if on Windows)
7. In Property List Editor look for the key titled „SBParentalControlsPin“
8. Look to the right of that entry and you will see the 4 digit PIN. You can now remove/modify parental controls

(NOTE: If you are on Windows and do not have a program that will read PLIST files then open the file with Notepad instead. It will mostly look like garbled junk and words running together but towards the end of the file look for 4 successive digits, if there is more than one place with 4 successive digits then try them all, one of them will be your pin).

resp. http://appadvice.com/appnn/2011/03/tip-iphone-password

Toto funguje urcite, mam to odskusane. Akurat som cital, ze to fungovalo len do ios 4, tak dufam, ze nie…

Ak si zabudol passcode na odblokovanie iPhone, tak skus tento postup, ten som neskusal:
1.plug iphone into itunes
2.right click iphone on left side of itune
3.click back up

after back up is done follow these steps
1.hold power and home button on iphone
2.once screen total black (iphone off) let go power and keep holding home button.
3.the screen will say, „connect to itunes“. So wait until itunes pop up.
4.you should see restore, click on restore

after restore is complete
1.on the left side of itunes you should see your iphone name again.
2.right click on it
3.click on restore from back up
4.now just restore your back up and you’ll have all your contacts.